Saturday, July 19, 2008


This week is "rodeo week" here. There has been so much hype and advertising for this week, so I had thought it was a "must do" event. So trying to take in different entertainment venues and do something different we got tickets to the rodeo last night. There was a lot of people there, for this small town - lots of people coming out of the woodworks for it. However, the rodeo itself was disappointing in the fact that it's performances were lacking. In ever different contest, probably only 3 people would score. Going to this rodeo after going to the Black Hills Stock Show made this a let down. Maybe if we had tried this rodeo first, we wouldn't have been as disappointed - who knows. However, it did prove to be another great people watching event.

Coming up in just a couple of days we get to see Tom Petty and Dave Matthews Band - definitely excited to see them as I have been looking forward to it for awhile now. Hopefully they turn out to be as great as I am expecting it to be!

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